The Hidden King
A tremendous emphasis is placed on the fact that Hashem’s Name is omitted from the Megillah. Written as a plain ‘story’, the pieces come together only at the end, climaxing with the hanging of Haman and the Jews being permitted to eliminate their enemies. However, some commentators suggest that every mention of the word Hamelech ("the king") is actually a covert reference to Hashem, who is out of sight but behind every scene.
The message is clear:
It is our job to see the Hand of Hashem behind the ‘natural’ and realize that He is behind everything that happens in our lives. The open, supernatural miracles are important. But we must learn to see Hashem's hidden hand, out of plain sight but always running the show.
Why will Purim outshine Pesach?
The Talmud Yerushalmi states an amazing fact. In the era of the final redemption, there will be open miracles so grand that those of the exodus from Egypt and the desert will pale in comparison. When we will describe the wonders of Hashem, the past miracles will take a back seat to the new miracles of Moshiach.
But the Purim story will always hold the same prominence as today. The Megillah will never fade. The lesson is eternal.
What makes the hidden miracle of Purim outshine and outlast the open miracles of Pesach?
A Powerful Lesson
The Seforim explain that the story of Purim teaches us a powerful lesson. Every event that occurs in the world, even when it seems it is contrary to the will of Hashem, is actually being used to bring about the final purpose, to bring the revelation of Hashem to the world. The rise of Haman, the abduction of Esther, the decree -- all proved to facilitate the ultimate Glory of the Hand of Hashem. The Megillah is a microcosm of the ultimate redemption, when we will see that everything that occurs is actually bringing about the revelation of Hashem. The lesson of Purim is eternal, complimenting the final redemption, and it will take its place alongside it. "ונהפך הוא" - and it was turned around. Everything was used in the end for the good!
May we all merit to internalize and live these lessons, and to see the final redemption speedily, in our day!