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The New Kollel Z'man 5781

Writer's picture: Northeast KollelNortheast Kollel

Ezra Wohlgelernter


The winter Zman for the Northeast Kollel will begin Monday, October 19th.

We are excited to welcome two new yungeleit to the Northeast Community Kollel, Rabbi Meir Simcha Katz and Rabbi Eli Ribiat.

Rabbi Meir Simcha Katz, a native of Baltimore learned at the Bais Medrash & Mechina of Baltimore and thereafter at the Yeshiva Gedolah of Monroe, NY and then in Eretz Yisroel. Rabbi Meir Simcha Katz and his wife Aliza, are looking forward to learning, growing and making a tremendous impact on our community.

Rabbi Eli Ribiat needs no introduction. A born and bred Northeast Philadelphian, Eli attended Politz Hebrew Academy and Talmudical Yeshiva of Philadelphia, as well as learning in Eretz Yisroel and Lakewood. Most recently, Eli was a member of the Montreal Kollel. Eli and his wife, Batsheva, are looking forward to moving back home to Philadelphia, a makom Torah which the Rosenberg and Ribiat families helped to establish. Eli Ribiat is the third Philadelphian to move back home, joining Rabbis Silver (Meth) and Terebelo. It is a true testament to our wonderful community when our married children choose to establish their homes here.

The Rosh Kollel and yungeleit will be learning on the premises of the Kollel.

A minyan for Mincha will be held at 2:45 and Maariv at 9:45 PM. Any person joining the minyan must wear a mask and maintain social distancing. Please do not enter the Kollel building if you have been exposed to anyone who has tested positive for the virus, or if you are not feeling well, as per the CDC guidelines.

The Rosh Kollel’s Wednesday night shiur will remain “virtual” until further notice.

We wish Rabbi Bauman, Rabbi Katz, Rabbi Ribiat, Rabbi Silver and Rabbi Terebelo much continued hatzlacha and bracha under the tutelage of our esteemed Rosh Kollel, Rabbi Yonah Burr, Shlita.

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